About Me

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Houston, TX
I'm not your typical runner. Not skinny. Not fast. But I do love to run and I love races!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I'm back! It's all about me!

Wow...it's been a while. Underwent some life changing events over the past year. Mainly I became a "mom" again to my 5 year old niece for 1 year. As you can imagine, that had a significant impact on my 2010 training. For a while, I stopped running. I gained about 40 lbs between February and October. I was used to being a single mom of 1 - my son who just turned 18. But now I was a single "mom" of 2 kids with widely differing ages and needs. My dad was traveling a lot, often 3 weeks out of the month or more. I was completely stressed and overwhelmed. So 2010's plans kind of went completely out the window....

Things turned around in October. My weight was getting out of control. I realized I had to take control of things. My dad's travel schedule slowed down, and he was able to help out more. He started volunteering to watch my niece every Sunday so I could do a long run. I joined Weight Watchers at work as the kids needs could never interfere with my lunch time meeting. I joined a gym in the building across the street from my job so I could get in 30 minute workouts during lunch and the kids needs couldn't interfere. I've lost nearly 25 lbs since making those changes.

Also in October, 4 of my running friends and I signed up for the inaugural LaPorte by the Bay half marathon, to be held in December. That gave me a goal I had to start training! My original goal was just to walk the race. I figured that with my walking speed, I could finish in the 4 hour deadline. Then I went on a group run with my friends and realized I could still run! I did 5-1's to stay up with them during some training runs. My confidence started being restored as my body "remembered" how to run. Of course, I lost a LOT of speed over the past year...and I wasn't speedy to begin with! But at least I was back running. I completed the Laporte half marathon on Dec 5th, and then did Aramco on Jan 30th. And at the Aramco half marathon I even signed up for another half marathon for March 27th - Dallas Rock and Roll! This race was on my 2010 schedule (and paid for!) before my niece came to stay with me.

2011 is going to be all about Kimmi. My niece is returning home within the next week. I will miss her greatly after a year (it's like losing your own child!), but I'm glad to be able to get back a little time for myself. My son is a senior - heading off to colllege soon. So he's pretty self sufficient. Now I can do what I want, when I want(well, almost). For the first time since I was 16.

Go to Memorial and run after work, rather than heading home to pick kids up, cook dinner, help with homework, etc - I can do that! Join Houston Fit's spring fit training group, and do the speed training on Tuesdays, and the hill training on Saturdays - I can now do that!

2011 is going to be all about me - putting my needs and wants at the top of the list....for the first time in a very long time.