About Me

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Houston, TX
I'm not your typical runner. Not skinny. Not fast. But I do love to run and I love races!

Monday, December 1, 2014

2015 - The Year of Kimmi

I didn't want to title this as "I'm back" because, well, I did that in 2012 and it was my only post for the year!

My life has been taken over by work since 2011. I've totally lost my sense of work life balance. My health has suffered. My running has definitely suffered. So I've decided to make 2015 "The Year of Kimmi".

I can no longer allow work to come first, and Kimmi to always come last. I can no longer allow family member's needs to always come first and Kimmi's needs to come last. I can no longer give 150% emotionally and physically to everything and everyone else except Kimmi.

2015 will be the year of keeping my promises to myself. Making my goals and sticking to them. Being accountable to myself, for myself. I'm not just talking about running goals. There are so many things I've put on the back burner for work. I need to take care of my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.

If I don't take care of Kimmi, who will?

No one.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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